First Give Final - 22nd March

22 March 2024

Friday 22 March was the First Give final culminating in two terms of hard work. Students in year 9 with their form tutor during PSHE lessons, learnt about social issues in their communities and chose the issues which are important to them. 

Each form has researched charities working in their communities and as a class, chose one to represent. Charities were invited in to meet the class so that students could learn more about their work and how to help them. Students plan and deliver social action activities (fundraising, awareness raising, volunteering) in support of their charities. 

Today four charities were represented, JUSB, CASPA, Forget Me Not Cafe and Children Heard and Seen. Councillor for St Paul's Cray Ward, Chris Price, Ms Morley and Mrs Cooper were on the judging panel and after four outstanding presentations, the winning class 9KR representing Forget Me Not Cafe won the First Give grant of £1,000 for their charity.

First Give 2024