The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Mission Statement

The importance of educating our pupils about the benefits of using ICT whilst recognising associated risks and responsibilities, and how to follow the agreed policies to minimise potential e-safety risks.  

It outlines guidance to which we are all expected to adhere and links with other relevant policies such as Safeguarding and Anti-Bullying. We work closely with staff, pupils, and parents/carers to keep our school community safe. This website provides lots of useful information about online safety. 

E-Safety at Kemnal

The aim of E-safety at College is to actively support and educate staff and young people (their parents and carers) to be responsible users and to develop safe online behaviours whilst using the Internet and other digital technologies, and for them to know the required procedure to act on if a problem occurs. 

Whilst technology is growing and developing fast it is part of our everyday lives in and out of College and we have a responsibility to protect the welfare of our students.  Therefore, as technology changes so do the potential dangers faced by our students as they navigate the digital world.  Learning how to stay safe and avoid risks online is a key part of our College’s E-safety and E-Safeguarding agenda.

E-safety is not limited only to online technology owned by the College and used on the College’s premises but also to online incidents that may happen outside the College and brought to the College’s attention.  Such incidents may be treated as if it had happened on the College’s premises and will be dealt with according to the applicable College policy.

E-Safety Measures implemented by the College so far:

Internet Awareness Day for all students, with positive feedback from both staff and students in attendance.

E-Safety Awareness Training

All KS3 students attended an assembly themed around Cyberbullying, what to do and how to report it.

Cyberbullying Assembly

Computer Science curriculum based around E-safety, for all Year 7 & 8 students. With students creating E-safety multimedia presentations about online safety.  For the older students, this is done during pastoral activities such as assembly or in their specialist subject lessons.

E-Safety Top Ten Tips – Displayed in classrooms and around College as a quick reminder for students and staff, about how to stay safe online.

E-Safety Top Ten Tips

For further information about how to stay safe when using digital technology for you can visit the following websites:

E-Safety Policy

Internet Safety Newsletter

E-Saftey Advice For Parents/Guardians
The internet can be a fantastic place for learning, filled with a wealth of information where your child/children can gain new knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Here at College, E-safety plays an important part of safeguarding and keeping our students safe - that is why it is vital that all our students learn how to stay safe when using digital technology to communicate online. All students are taught how to stay safe and behave when communicating online. To better safeguard our students, we use monitoring and filtering software to minimise the risk of students gaining access to unsuitable material.
The E-safety message can only be successful if it is consistent both at home and College and we are asking for your help and support to keep your child/children safe at home when communicating online. You can help by talking to your child/children about how to keep safe and behave when using their smartphone, games console, tablet or any other device to use communicate online.
We all must work together and stay vigilant to protect your child/children from people who may pose an online risk. Sometimes, children can accidentally or deliberately be exposed to inappropriate content or comments online, and there are steps that you can follow to help minimise such risk.

Parents/Guardians what can I do?

  • Print a copy of the Top Ten Tips – we use at College as a visual reminder for your child
  • Discuss as a family internet rules, for example rules for meeting friends online, what is going be kept private (family photos, personal information such as your home address)
  • Talk to your child about how they use the internet, if possible learn which website they use and by learning together you can discuss safe online behaviour.
  • Install an up-to-date anti-virus, secure internet connection and make use of parental control to block unsuitable material especially for younger children

See useful links to help you keep your child safe online:

  • Look at the ‘Parents/Carers’ section for information
  • (CEOP) is the online police ->click the report button if you need to report online abuse
  • information about safeguarding children and free up-to-date security advice
  • look at the ‘Know It All’ section for information about online safety

If you have any other concerns or questions regarding E-safety, please contact the College or Mrs Howard at

E-Saftey Advice For Students

In today’s world using the internet is vastly important to you, it is how you socialise and keep in touch with friends and family all around the world from gaming to just chatting online. Digital technology helps keep you up to date with the latest news or sport and a huge resource for educational purposes.
All these things are a great way to communicate and can enhance your life but as with every good point there can be some bad points. In some cases there are people who use the internet to provide harmful, hurtful, illegal and inappropriate information; such as cyberbullying, sexting, identify theft, radicalisation, grooming, viruses and trolling. Therefore, it is all our duty and responsibility to behave safely and in a respectful manner when communicating online.
Remember be very careful about the messages and images you post online, as this stays there forever and nasty information can come back and harm your image one day! This is known as digital footprint, so always remember to stop and think before you click.
At College we use monitoring software to help keep you safe from gaining access to inappropriate websites. You must stay vigilant at all times both at home and College and make sure that if, someone tries to bully you or cause you harm online, you report it immediately to a trusted member of staff, your parents or carers.

See below a list of helpful websites:

Some recommended E-Safety videos

Some Cyberbullying videos