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Kemnal Hearts
- Become global citizens who are aware of, and understand the wider world and their place in it.
- Possess enough self-awareness to continuously reflect on their own actions and their behaviour as an individual.
- Have an inquisitive mind which is always questioning. Develop a sense of curiosity about themselves and the world.
- Cultivate a strong moral compass and know the difference between right and wrong, equality and inequality, honesty and corruption etc.
- Have an appreciation of diversity, acknowledging the legitimacy of other cultures, ideas and values.
Kemnal Minds
- Be able to analyse and interpret data in a variety of forms and critically evaluate the data's reliability and validity.
- Understand the interconnected nature of the world and be able to link what they learn in geography to other subjects. Use these connections to excel in the wider world.
- Knowledge and understanding of the current climate crisis and the consequent importance of sustainability and sustainable development. Well-developed skills in criticality.
- Be able to think and write critically, and communicate their ideas with the written word. Be able to debate/assess different sides of an issue/argument, effectively justifying their choices.