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Homework Expectations

Independent Learning

Lot’s of students worry about homework when they start but don’t panic. With a bit of organisation and lots of dedication, you will be able to manage what’s expected from you!

What do I need to do?

Each week, you will be asked to complete tasks linked to the learning in your lessons. Your teachers will explain what you need to do and will be there for you to ask questions about it so you understand what is expected of you. To help you succeed, you will be given all the information you need on ‘Kemnal Keys’. These are handy sheets, packed with information questions and answers that you can use as a tool in your lessons and at home!

How do I do it?

Your teacher may tell you how they want you to complete the work or give you options on how to record your learning. Your job is to record the information in a way that helps YOU to learn it so it may be different for everyone depending on your learning style.

You could try…

  • rephrasing the sentence
  • spider diagrams
  • annotated pictures
  • keyword recording
  • thought trails
How often do I need to do it?

The best way is ‘little and often' - do some each night so that your homework doesn’t build up. How much you do a night is up to you as long as your work is completed by the deadline your teacher sets. Don’t worry - you can use your Kemnal Diary will help you keep track of what you need to do.

Why do it?

The main person responsible for your learning is you!

Any independent learning you do will help you to consolidate things you have learnt or will learn in your lessons. You should complete independent learning to better your understanding and increase your performance in those subjects.

Who checks my independent learning?

Your teachers will check to see if you are keeping up with your learning.

What if I don’t do it?

If you don’t do your independent learning, you will be at a disadvantage to your classmates and may not reach your full potential. To keep you on track, form tutors will call your parents or may issue detentions to those who miss independent learning.

What if I want to do extra?

You may absolutely do more than what is set if you wish! Show your teachers, they will be delighted!


Routine Works Well!

Pick a Place

Think about where you will concentrate best. Often a quiet place on your own works well. Think about which table you will sit at so you are comfortable and where your independent learning will be safe from spillages, pets and siblings!

Pick a Time

Decide when you work at your best and if that will work in your house! Maybe you know you work best straight after school while your brain is still whirring or perhaps you concentrate better after dinner. Maybe Saturday morning is always quiet in your house. Whatever the time, pick it and stick to it!

Time Limits

Set yourself a goal. Before you start your study session, have a look at your to-do list and give yourself a set time to spend on each task. This will keep you on track.

Take a Break!

It's important to take breaks if you're feeling tired or frustrated.  Working too long on a task can decrease your performance (this is why we say do a little bit each day). If you need a break, make sure you get away from your study space. Do something different for 5 minutes so you’re refreshed to try again.

Ask for Help

If you don’t understand something, ask for help! This can be someone at home, your form tutor, your teacher or you can even join our Year 7 homework club in the common room.

Remember WHY You’re Doing It
The whole point of independent learning is to help information stick in your mind.            
Remember that independent learning is helping you to learn.                                     
You deserve the best education - help yourself to get it.