The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Times of Day & Timetable

Times of Day

Being organised with time is important. Here are the times you’ll need to get to know…

Daily Timetable

When should I arrive at school?

You are expected to be lined up, ready to enter your classroom at 8.35 am every morning. Most mornings this will be outside your form room.

We, therefore, recommend that you arrive at school just before 8.30 am to give you a chance to chat to your friends outside, make your way to your classroom and be ready to enter the building when the doors open at 8.30 am.

When is home time?

You will be dismissed from your last lesson 5 minutes before the rest of the school so that you can avoid the crowds. This means you will be the first lined up to catch the first buses home.

It’s a good idea to wear a watch to school as you are NOT allowed you to use your phone for the time. There are also bells to help you remember when the next session is about to start.


On your first day, you will be given a timetable. Your form tutor will go through this with you to make sure you understand it but don’t forget, your whole form will have the same one so you will be able to get your new friends to help you too If you need it.


TT Example 1

TT Example 2

Things to notice...
  • At KTC, we have Week A and Week B. The lessons you have depend on what week it is. If you’re ever unsure, just ask your form tutor.
  • Each period has a subject and a teacher.
  • The numbers and letters in grey look scary but you don’t need to worry. They tell you the class set and room you’ll be in but your teachers will take you there anyway!